Monday, June 16, 2008

Hail + Puppies = Fun!

A storm front blew through town today, so the puppies saw hail for the first time...

At the first sound of hail, Bianca runs to the door. What is this?

Buddy quickly joins...

Daddy, what IS all this?

Whole lotta hail + puppy wading pool

Another view, post-storm (puppy drinking bowl + gazebo)

When the storm breaks, puppies are ON THE MOVE, inspecting this strange event...


Pretty picture of the hail burning off in the sunshine as steam around the peony bush

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tired puppies

After a 2-hour hike and a play in the yard, they're finally pooped. People wonder why I have no free time...

Hmm, perhaps just a wee little nap...

I'll snooze right here beside ya, sis...

A rare Mischief sighting.
Are those dogs out there? I'll hiss at them if they come in here.